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Sell 24x7 across

19 cites and a lot of towns

All Iraq Residents

will review your products

Quick payments and

transparent processes

How it is simple to become a supplier

Step 1: Register yourself
  • Register your business for free and create a request to make a seller profile for you.
  • Review our online version of the contract.
  • Sell under your own private label or sell an existing brand.
  • Get Free tutorial training videos.
Step 2: Get support from professional service provider
  • Set a meeting with our contract reponisble.
  • Increase your product visibility with high-quality product photo-shoot by our Partnered Photographers
  • Have the only services in whole Iraq through our professional data entry team to transalte your product into: English, Arabic and Kurdish.
Step 3: Increase your orders & Schedule your pickup
  • Once listed, your products will be available to all users across Iraq.
  • Get Orders and manage your online business via our Seller Panel.
  • Get Free packaging in our fancy boxes.
Step 4: Receive quick payment & grow your business
  • Receive on time and hassle-free payments in your account once your orders are fulfilled.
  • Have Saftey Guarantee that the comapany will handle any broken delivery cases
  • No without problem items will return to you in normal cases.
Start your business with Darmman & reach customers across Iraq